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I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear Vladimir. I loved reading his posts. My most sincere condolences.

Katy Allgeyer

Dear Jessica, Vanessa, and Illya--

My heartfelt condolences on the loss of your father.Vladi was immensely sympathetic to me when my beloved (and his great friend) Scott Morgan died and he told me that now I" belonged to a club that nobody wants to belong to". Scott used to stay with your parents in NYC and one time Scott brought me to visit your dad in Florida shortly after Erica died. The love your parents shared was such a big story and it was very apparent throughout the condo with memorabilia and photographs and of course wonderful Kagan furniture designs. I can only believe that their spirits have reunited as love never ever dies. Most of the world will remember Vladimir Kagan for his contribution to the world of original contemporary design and as an iconic figure. I will remember him as the warm generous human being that you knew him to be as your father. With sympathy and love, Katy Allgeyer

Cindy Hazeltine

My Husband was the OIC at Loran Station Nantucket for the USCG (now retired) and we lived in "Sconset" for 6 great years and during those years I met your mother and father at my place of work on the island. I have to say with all the stars that live and come visit the island that I was more excited and honored to have met your father and mother knowing he design the most beautiful furniture and her beautiful needlepoint. I dream of living in a Frank Lloyd Wright home in Pa. with Vladimir Kagan furniture and Erica's needlepoint...
I have smiled more then ever...live to the fullest

Always in my heart and imagination
Cindy Hazeltine

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