The Path to harmony and Prosperity
Copyright Vladimir Kagan June 11, 2012
America has spent the last two years in stalemate on divisive issues of the economy. Unemployment: Spend more – Spend less. - Spend, spend, spend – cut, cut, cut…. The 1% factor vs. 99%. Factor. … And we’ve all heard this one before: “The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer”… (Economics 101)
Aren’t we tired of this diatribe?
The President’s approval rating goes down, down, down: less than 46%- Mitt Romney’s is even lower. The millions and millions wasted on campaign rhetoric’s is shameful and does nothing for the economy. We need charismatic leadership – a visionary – a non-controversy leader! A uniting force…
It’s time we change our system…
I am proposing a Constitutional Monarchy!.. We need a Queen!
---The only trouble is that we severed our relations with the Brits over 200 year ago. If we can't capture her, maybe we can borrow her! Once her Jubilee is over, we should make a serious attempt to do so. The Brits owe us this favor for all we have done for them in the past.
The Queen has amazing longevity and we need not change costumes with every inauguration
This Brilliant lady knows how to rule – she’s had 60 years of experience and an approval rating of 82% (The remaining 18% percent are the dodos who can’t read and are probably Gypsies!) This amazing woman has the energy of a 25 year old… She speaks the King’s English and is very, very polite. She is a comfort factor in a country politically divided.
The Irish Rowing team... they've always made excellent Tars
She’d revitalize our economy by having the Navy powered by oarsmen rather than toxic Nuclear energy. Tourism would boom; the unemployed homeless would feel less underprivileged as they camp at night on the street to catch a glimpse of her in the morning. The ‘MADE IN AMERICA” T Shirt business would pull the beleaguered textile and clothing industry out from under China’s nose. The fashion press is full of queen like dignified clothes. She and the new princess have revived the millinery business worldwide… and would do so for us in America! And don’t forget the commemorative mugs and plates,,, huge sellers.
Young and old... Royals and Queen... it's the hat that says it all
Fish & Chips will become a staple replacing Sushi and the slaughter of millions of endangered tuna (which are in any event toxic from the Japanese Nuclear disaster.)
The new American flag that will revitalize the American flag industry
We could reintroduce a version of the British Flag combined with the Star & Stripes (reverting to a very collectible designs from 1775- the Grand Union Flag). Wouldn’t it be great for the Flag industry. Regal horse-drawn carriages would replace polluting armored Limos for our sovereign and her entourage. The White House would get great new landscaping from her gardeners (We know the Brits excel in this.)
The Queen and her consort will hand out annual titles to the well deserving... it could rival the Oscars.
She would be free to hand out titles (recognizing the skulking Lobbyist that lurk in the dark corners of our Capitol. They could be titled Robber Barons…She has been very generous in recognizing the young hip of her own country… she can do the same of our Rappers on the promise that they’ll wash-out their mouth’s with soap!
the homeless would feel less disenfranchised as they await dawn and the Queen's arrival
.... and just squint your eyes and substitute the Capitol for St. Paul's and you can imagine the picture of a newly enlightened America!
These Royals are the true Turn-Around artists, they took a failing franchise and revived it; made it into one of the worlds great money generators. They have kept the pound and not the dreaded euro. We not only Need Queen Elizabeth II, we need to hire her entire team of turn-around specialists. They clearly know their stuff. She has not even changed her taste in dressing, yet she looked dazzling when she gave that address and instantly the fireworks erupted in England. Never would these royals be improperly attired - all projecting a cool hip professional united image. The Queen is stability and solidarity.
Our elegant new Royal family coasting down the Potomac
Look at our Pres and the wanna be Mitt, running around in jeans and open shirts. Why should we respect them? (We don’t want them to be like us, we want them to be better.)
Prince Charles reads the weather on the TV. In America we could have Obama and Mitt alternating on weekends.
All that glitters is not gold and all we see may not all be real (I think she probably has a wicked sense of humor and acerbic tongue), but it works in England and millions around the World loved her. Look at the TV ratings. Look at the crowds in front of Buckingham Palace, not old people ---- young! Who would have thought the uninspiring Elizabeth: the second longest monarch, Victoria was first, running a world class corporation. The country may be in trouble but I bet the Windsors are meeting their household budgets. £ 36,873 million ($57.8 million down from $62.8 million) is not shabby, Another brilliant move. To have watched these last two days of celebratory extravaganzas, one could have received a business- school education on carriage, manors and responsibility.
We need to turn America around. We have raised a lazy generation, ill-equipped with the right educational skills to lead us into the future.
So let us cut short this election B.S.… Get the sleazy “Poll’s” and lobbyist back to work instead of freeloading on our country… (Frankly, I think they would all look better and more equal in powdered wigs… But that is my the next campaign issue.)