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Sue Brayne

And I would add, KEEP LEARNING. Feed yourself emotionally and spiritually. That's what keeps us sharp.

Paula Grace

This was pure joy to read. I'm glad you decided to do it. Thanks for the inspiration. I agree with everything on your list and the addition from Sue to keep learning. That's why I came to your site ~ to learn.
Paula Grace ~

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So the University of California Irvine has suspended the Muslim Student Union over its protest against the Israeli ambassador to the United States. The students tried to shout down the ambassador as he was giving a speech. There was no violence and according to a Washington Post editorial today, they all left the lecture hall peacefully.


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I really enjoyed reading that. Thanks for putting it together.
This article has summarized in a very realistic way a person's life's ups and downs.


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Drew Harrison

I agree with you: seeing the good side in every situation is a choice. The same goes with being happy: you can either choose to dwell on happy or sad memories. Whether we are young or old, we all need to make decisions. Take things one day at a time and enjoy life!

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